Scribbler 2
MyroC Installation and Comments for Mac OS X

Materials to Support a C-based Course with Scribbler 2 Robots
Scribbler 2

Installing MyroC.b

This page organizes instructions and notes for the installation of version
Warning: Undefined variable $_MyroC_version in /home/walker/public_html/MyroC/macintosh/myroc-installation-notes-mac.php on line 48
the MyroC package on Mac OS X.

eSpeak (external package) libjpeg (external package) openGL (part of Mac OS X) eSpeakPackage.2.0
(within MyroC.b)

MyroC on Mac OS X 11.15 (Catalina), earlier releases of Mac OS X, and Mac OS X (Big Sur and Monterey) with Intel processors

Extensive testing of MyroC has not revealed any errors on many Mac OS X environments:

That is, at present, there are no known errors in rDisplayPicture or any other MyroC functions when running MyroC on Mac OS X 11.15 (Catalina) or earlier Mac OS X releases. Further, no errors are known on more recent Mac OS X releases running on Intel processors.

Notes Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur) and Mac OS X 12 (Monterey) on M1 processors: Known Limitation

When using the MyroC package on Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur) or Mac OS X 12 (Monterey) on M1 processors, the rDisplayPicture function does not work at the present time. Instead, when the function is called, several error messages are reported, and processing continues after the call to rDisplayPicture. That is, a call to this function on M1 processors generates error messages and no image appears in a window, but subsequent processing still continues.

Also, the experience using the rSavePicture and rLoadPicture on Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur) and Max OS X 12 (Monterey) on the M1 processor seems inconsistent.

Partial Workaround—when rSavePicture works: Although rDisplayPicture does not work on Mac OS X (Big Sur) and Mac OS X (Monterey) on the M1 processor, a program still can utilize MyroC to download images from a Scribbler 2 camera, create and edit images, save images to a file in jpeg format, and load those images. With these capabilities, a user wishing to work with images from MyroC could proceed in three steps:

General Comments

eSpeak [Jonathan Duddington (admin)]

The eSpeak package by Jonathan Duddinton provides a foundation for the use of a speech synthesizer within programs utilizing MyroC. The underlying motivation is that testing programs involving robots involves two basic elements:

In practice, watching both code and the robot at the same time is challenging, and a good solution involves replacing the code observation task with code-generated statements that speak what is supposed to happen. With this approach, the speech generator tells what is supposed to happen, and one can hear that while watching the robot.

Although the use of this eSpeak speech synthesizer turns out to be reasonably straight forward within programs to control robots, the installation of eSpeak depends greatly upon the specific version of Mac OS X present on one's computer. Thus, the directions that follow are divided into categories:

Installation of eSpeak on Mac OS X High Sierra (Mac OS X 10.14) and Earlier

On Mac OS X High Sierra and earlier, installation of eSpeak requires only a few steps. The basic approach uses proceeds as follows:

In this outline, the downloading process is the same for all Mac OS X versions from High Sierra or earlier. However, with Mac OS X El Capitan, Apple changed its file-permission policies, and this change requires moving the program and data to different directories in earlier versus later Mac OS X versions.

For any Mac OS X version from High Sierra or earlier, the downloading steps and the copying of the binary program are the same to install eSpeak:

  1. Download eSpeak OSX zip file from eSpeak

  2. If the Downloads package appears with a .zip extension (e.g.,, unzip the OSX zip file:

  3. Move to the unzipped espeak directory, and review the available files, including the license and ReadMe files.

  4. Within the espeak directory in a terminal window, copy the speak program to /usr/local/bin.

    sudo cp speak /usr/local/bin
Due to changes in Apple policies, the copying of the speak-data directory (and its contents) must be moved to different locations in earlier versions of Mac OS X versions versus later versions.

Copying the espeak directory for Mac OS X Yosemite release (Mac OS X 10.10) and earlier versions

  1. For Mac OS X Yosemite release (Mac OS X 10.10) and prior releases, user files may be installed in /usr/share, using the command:

    sudo cp -R espeak-data /usr/share

    Note: this location is required by the speak program — since speak is a binary executable, changing this location is difficult or impossible

Copying the espeak data directory on Mac OS X El Capitan(Mac OS X 10.11) through Mac OS X High Sierra (10.11-10.14)

  1. For Mac OS X El Capitan through Mac OS X High Sierra, Apple does not allow user files to be stored in /usr/share for security reasons. However, the espeak program requires data stored in this location, and this cannot be easily changed. Thus, some creativity is needed.

    • If directory /usr/local/share does not exist, create it:
      sudo mkdir /usr/local/share
    • Copy the speak-data directory (and its contents) to /usr/local/share
      sudo cp -R espeak-data /usr/local/share
    • All users of espeak must add a symbolic link to /usr/local/share/espeak-data from their home directories:
      cd     # move to user's home directory
      ln -s /usr/local/share/espeak-data espeak-data

Installation of eSpeak on Mac OS X Catalina (Mac OS X 10.15)

As noted above, the eSpeak project by Jonathan Duddington provides a binary file containing a complete program for use as a speech synthesizer.

With modest apologies for the work required, the overall effort to create an appropriate environment for Duddington's eSpeak proceeds in two basic steps.

The steps that follow first outline several approaches to handle PortAudio and then provide instructions for the modified eSpeak program.

Installation of PortAudio on Mac OS X Catalina

Depending upon other applications that may already be installed on your machine, the PortAudio sound interface may already present.

  1. Search your computer for the PortAudio application, by opening a Terminal window and typing the line

          find / -name "*portaudio*" -print 2> /dev/null

Installation of a newly-compiled, 64-bit eSpeak for Mac OS X Catalina

In this step, you will need to determine a directory in which to download the espeak package from Jonathan Duddington, as modified for Mac OS X Catalina. Although any reasonable directory likely could be used, these instructions assume you will work within a Downloads directory.

  1. Download compressed file espeak-1.48.04-rev-for-mac.tar.gz to your chosen directory (e.g., Downloads).

  2. In a terminal window, move to your chosen directory:

          cd           # in case earlier commands have been done in other directories, go home first
          cd Downloads # move to your chosen directory for eSpeak installation
  3. Although the downloaded file, espeak-1.48.04-rev-for-mac.tar.gz, is a compressed archive file, Mac OS X may have decompressed it during the download process.

  4. Move to the newly-created directory espeak-1.48.04-rev-for-mac

          cd espeak-1.48.04-rev-for-mac

Upon decompression, the downloaded directory contains numerous files, including the following.

  1. Edit the first lines of Makefile-speak-prog to reflect local directories used for this application

    Note: If you do not know (or have not recorded) the location of the PortAudio materials, search your computer for this information by typing the following line:

              find / -name "*portaudio*" -print 2> /dev/null
  2. Compile the speak package

              make -f Makefile-speak-prog
  3. Install the speak package

              sudo make -f Makefile-speak-prog install

Copying the espeak data directory on Mac OS X Catalina (Mac OS X 10.15)

  1. As with several earlier Mac OS X versions (10.11-10.4), Mac OS X Catalina (10.15) does not allow user files to be stored in /usr/share for security reasons. However, the espeak program requires data stored in this location, and this cannot be easily changed. Thus, some creativity is needed.

Installation of eSpeak on Mac OS X Big Sur (Mac OS X 11)

The eSpeak project was developed originally by Jonathan Duddington. A new branch for an updated espeak-ng.was begun in 2010 by Reece H Dunn. Whichever of these is used to support eSpeak, it relies upon the PortAudio sound interface.

Using Mac Ports or Homebrew, complete installation of eSpeak can be reasonably straight forward.

  1. Search your computer for the PortAudio application, by opening a Terminal window and typing the line

          find / -name "*portaudio*" -print 2> /dev/null
    1. If the computer responds with a listing of files, record in your notes the locations for files called portaudio.h, libportaudio.a, and libportaudiocpp.dylib. Although the file paths may vary from machine to machine, some representative possibilities for some of these files might include:

      If some path names are reported, you will know that PortAudio already is available, and you can skip the rest of this Step 1.

    2. If the above find command does not report any files, you will need to install PortAudio. In practice, this can be done with tool Mac Ports or Homebrew.
      • If you have not used either Mac Ports: or Homebrew:, you will need to install one of these packet managers. Following one of these links, install one of these packages.
      • Using Mac Ports: If you have used Mac Ports to install software packages in the past, you can install portaudio by typing the following in a terminal window:
                      port install portaudio

        Note: If this command produces a permissions error, try adding sudo as described in the General Comments at the start of these instructions.

      • Using Homebrew: If you have used Homebrew to install software packages in the past, you can install portaudio by typing the following command in a terminal window:
                      brew install portaudio

        Note: If you use brew and the above line fails, the following sometimes seems to fix the problem:

                      brew uninstall portaudio
                      brew install portaudio --HEAD

  1. With PortAudio installed, eSpeak may be installed with either Mac Ports or Homebrew, following commands analogous to those use for PortAudio:

              port install espeak
              brew install espeak
  2. Once eSpeak is installed, run the following command and record the complete path (with directories and file) for the installed espeak program.

                find / -name espeak -print 2> /dev/null

    (This will be needed later on, when installing the eSpeakPackage related to MyroC.)

Note for Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur)

After running "brew install espeak", if the terminal returns "Error: Cannot install under Rosetta 2 in ARM default prefix (/opt/homebrew)", run

 arch -arm64 brew install espeak

Testing that espeak is properly installed



Procedures to install the jpeg library depend upon the version of Max OS X running on your machine.

Installation of libjpeg on all Mac OS X versions through Mac OS X 10.15 (Catalina)

  1. Download the jpeg source from to /usr/local/src:

    1. Use cd /usr/local/src to move to this source directory
      • If this command yields "No such file or directory", the create the subdirectory:
        cd /usr/local
        sudo mkdir src
        cd src
    2. In a browser, go to, home for the Independent JPEG Group, to verify the current stable version of the jpeg library. At this writing, the current version is release 9a, and that version is used in the following instructions. (When later releases become available, you will need to make the corresponding adjustments in what follows.)

    3. Download compressed jpeg source code:

      sudo curl --remote-name
  2. Extract and decompress the downloaded file, creating a new subdirectory jpeg-9a
    Still working within directory /usr/local/src:

    sudo tar -xzvf jpegsrc.v9a.tar.gz
  3. Compile and install libjpeg from new jpeg-9a subdirectory

    cd jpeg-9a
    sudo ./configure
    sudo make
    sudo make install


Installation of libjpeg on Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur)

  1. As with the eSpeak package, the installation of a jpeg library on Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur) requires the use of either Mac Ports: or Homebrew.


Since OpenGL is used widely as the underlying environment for Mac OS X, this package already should be available within the Macintosh environment.

Since it is already installed as part of Mac OS X, a user need do nothing to complete this step.


As noted in the General Comments near the top of this page, the following procedures assume the user has established a base directory for the downloading and installation of the eSpeak and MyroC packages. For example, the user might create a base directory, perhaps called "MyroCPackage".

  1. In a terminal window, move to the created base directory, with a command such as:

    cd        # since earlier commands reference various directories, go home first
    cd MyroC  # base directory for MyroC installation
  2. Download the compressed archive file, MyroC.b.tgz to your created base directory

  3. Although the original file, MyroC.b.tgz, is a compressed archive file, the Mac environment may or may not decompress the file automatically during download.

All materials for the eSpeakPackage are (not surprisingly) located in the eSpeak directory.

  1. Move from the general MyroCPackage directory to its eSpeak subdirectory.:

    cd eSpeak

The internal algorithms and code for the eSpeakPacakge are quite different on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows 10. Thus, the downloading and decompression process for the MyroCPackage creates four subdirectories for the eSpeakPackage:

  1. Assuming a Mac environment, move from the main base directory to the new MyroC.3.1 subdirectory, and the mac-based eSpeak directory. Then list the contents of the eSpeak subdirectory:

    cd                    # go home first
    cd MyroCPackage       # go to base directory for the MyroC/eSpeakPackage infrastructure
    cd eSpeak
    cd eSpeakPackage-mac.2.0 

    The listing includes the following files:

  2. On Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur) / Mac OS X 12 (Monterey) with M1 Processors Only:
    Edit Makefile-mac, changing the assignment to variable CC (about line 17) to

        CC = clang

  1. Designate Makefile-mac as the relevant framework for compiling and running eSpeak on a Macintosh computer. This is accomplished by creating a symbolic link within the eSpeak directory:

    ln -s Makefile-mac Makefile

    After this command has been issued, use the ls -l command to check that a new Makefile entry appears in the subdirectory, and that it points to makefile-mac:

    ls -l

If this link command ln -s generates a "file exists" error, then a current Makefile link exists, but it may be designating a Makefile for Linux or Windows, rather than Mac. In this case, remove the earlier link and create a new link:

    rm Makefile
    ln -s Makefile-mac Makefile

  1. Check the location of the speak program (installed above) by typing the command:

          find / -name espeak -print 2> /dev/null

    For example, if you used Homebrew with Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur) to install the third-party eSpeak package, then this full path is likely to be /opt/homebrew/opt/espeak/bin/espeak

  2. Compile the eSpeakPackage

    make eSpeakPackage.o
  3. Install the eSpeakPackage with the command
    sudo make install/eSpeak


Testing the eSpeak and eSpeakPackage download and installation


Installation of the eSpeakPackage required downloading and decompressing the archive file MyroC.b.tgz. From the created base directory (e.g., "MyroC"), move to the MyroC.3.1 release subdirectory, and then its subrelease MyroC.b subdirectory:

  1. Move to the MyroC.b subdirectory:

    cd            # since earlier commands reference various directories, go home first
    cd MyroC      # base directory for MyroC installation
    cd MyroC.3.1  # the release subdirectory
    cd MyroC.b # the subrelease subdirectory
  2. On Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur) / Mac OS X 12 (Monterey) with M1 Processors Only:
    Three adjustments are required for file Makefile-mac:

  3. As with the eSpeak installation, designate Makefile-mac as the relevant framework for compiling and installing the MyroC package:

    ln -s Makefile-mac Makefile
  4. Compile and install the MyroC package in system directories:

    sudo make install/MyroC

Testing and Running MyroC Programs

Several test programs are available in the test-programs subdirectory of the base directory.

Preliminary Step: Using MyroC with Scribbler 2 robots requires setting up Bluetooth so the workstation/laptop and robot(s) are properly paired. See Bluetooth Setup for Macintosh Workstations/Laptops for details — before trying to run test programs.

Reminder for Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur): Known Limitation

When using the MyroC package on Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur), the rDisplayPicture function does not work at the present time. Instead, when the function is called, several error messages are reported, and processing continues after the call to rDisplayPicture. That is, a call to this function on Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur) generates error messages and no image appears in a window, but subsequent process still continues.

Partial Workaround: Although rDisplayPicture does not work on Mac OS X (Big Sur), a program still can utilize MyroC to download images from a Scribbler 2 camera, create and edit images, save images to a file in jpeg format, and load those images. With these capabilities, a user wishing to work with images from MyroC could proceed in three steps:

Compiling MyroC programs requires use of numerous compilation flags, compiling normally uses a Makefile. As with installation, compilation flags must be tailored to the Macintosh environment.

  1. Move to the MyroC.3.1 directory that you created earlier (not MyroC.b), and then move to its test-programs subdirectory.

  2. From the MyroC.3.1 directory, move to the test-programs subdirectory.

    cd test-programs
  3. On Mac OS X 11 (Big Sur) / Mac OS X 12 (Monterey) with M1 Processors Only:
    Three adjustments are required for file Makefile-mac within the test-programs directory:

  4. In the test-programs subdirectory, designate Makefile-mac as the relevant framework for compiling MyroC programs:

    ln -s Makefile-mac Makefile
  5. Test programs can be compiled with a simple make command. For example, running the spirit-song.c program utilizes these steps:

    make spirit-song

    Note: If this step generates errors that rBeep and other MyroC functions are "Undefined symbols" or that there is a "clang: error", double check that the "ln -s" command above has been issued, and a new file (called Makefile) is present in the same directory as your program. See also the notes after Step 4 below.

  6. Process creation—for Mac OS X Catalina or later: The display of images in MyroC requires creating a new process for each window. However, in Mac OS X Catalina and later, a permissions problem prevents the window from appearing.

    1. To test whether your Mac computer is properly configured to display new image windows, compile and run program test-image-display:
          make test-image-display
    2. If no window appears with an image, the problem can be resolved by typing the following line in the terminal window before any image-display program is run:

      Note that this line will be needed for each Terminal window opened to run a program displaying an image.

  7. Screen Resolution: If you are running on a Mac, you need to configure display processing for a low- or high-resolution screen.

    Since many modern Mac computers have high-resolution monitors (e.g., Retina screens), the default setting is for high resolution. Regardless, to determine whether image display is configured correctly in MyroC for this machine, go to the test-proorams directory for MyroC.3.3a.

    1. As in Step 4, again compile and run program test-image-display:
          make test-image-display
    2. This program should produce a display of multiple images
    3. The program should display a sequence of images, each of which is a rectangle with red in the middle, and with borders blue on the outside and green in the middle. Various images have varying sized borders.
      • If each image shows a full border that exactly fills the window, then there is nothing to do in this step.
      • If only part of the rectangle is displayed (e.g., there is no border displayed on two sides, such as the top and right), then edit file MyroC-display-linux-mac.c. Within the code, go to the following lines (approximately lines 235-236):
        and change the scaling factor 2 to 1
      • Then recompile, reinstall the MyroC package, and rerun test-image-display.
    4. Continue this step—changing the scaling factor up or down, until the produced rectangles exactly fill each window.
  8. To compile programs in any other user directory (except eSpeak and MyroC.b), copy the Makefile-mac file to the user directory — using the name Makefile.

    Notes: Compiling and installing both the eSpeakPackage and MyroC require different commands from compiling and running user programs (once these packages have been installed). Thus, the Makefile-mac files in the eSpeak and MyroC subdirectories are different from the Makefile-mac file in the test-programs subdirectory. Be sure to utilize the Makefile-mac in the test-programs subdirectory as the appropriate Makefile for user programs utilizing either the eSpeakPackage or MyroC.

created 17 October 2015
revised 19 October 2015
revised 23 February 2016
updated to include Windows 10 reference: 5 January 2021
third-party eSpeak section revised for Mac OS X Catalina and later 19-20 January 2021
revised for Mac OS X Catalina 6-7 February 2021
revised for Mac OS X Big Sur 24-26 A[ril 2021
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For more information, please contact Henry M. Walker at