Welcome to the home page for CSC 161.01, Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures!
Two sections of the course are offered during Fall 2019.
- Section 161.01 (this section) meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday in Science 3815 between 8:30 am and 9:50 am with Mr. Walker.
- Section 161.02 meets Monday, Wednesday, Friday in Science 3815 between 2:30 pm and 3:50 pm with Ms. Johnson.
Although these two sections follow a similar day-by-day schedule, details of each section may vary. Be sure to utilize the correct course pages for your specific section!
The prerequisite for this course, CSC151, Functional Problem Solving, is strictly enforced. Exceptions are granted only in special circumstances and always require explicit permission of the instructor.
Materials for this course have been extensively revised over the past academic year. Please browse the syllabus, course details, schedule, and other elements of this course site for course details.
Features of this on-line course site:
By default, the navigation on the left of this home page shows class-session information, based on today's date. To find data for another date, add a query string with the desired date in the format yyyy-mm-dd. For example: to obtain course information, based on September 6, 2019, use the URL:
http://walker.cs.grinnell.edu/courses/161.fa19/?date=2019-09-06 -
Following the format used in several recent semesters, the course is organized into segments, and segments contain one or more sessions (with readings, examples, a lab, and other resources). Both course and scheduling information are stored in a central database, so all views of the course (e.g., schedule, deadlines, information for a specified day) are synchronized. Of course, only the course instructor is authorized to update the database.
All navigation links should now function, although refinements are underway. Please report problems or provide feedback to walker at cs.grinnell.edu.