CSC 161.01 Grinnell College Fall 2019
Scribbler 2
CSC 161.01:
Imperative Problem Solving with Lab
Scribbler 2
Course Home References Course Details: Syllabus, Schedule, Deadlines, Topic organization MyroC Documentation Project Scope/


Welcome to the home page for CSC 161.01, Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures!

Two sections of the course are offered during Fall 2019.

Although these two sections follow a similar day-by-day schedule, details of each section may vary. Be sure to utilize the correct course pages for your specific section!

The prerequisite for this course, CSC151, Functional Problem Solving, is strictly enforced. Exceptions are granted only in special circumstances and always require explicit permission of the instructor.

Materials for this course have been extensively revised over the past academic year. Please browse the syllabus, course details, schedule, and other elements of this course site for course details.

Features of this on-line course site: