Instructor | Textbook | Schedule | Course Work | Assignments | Labs | Deadlines | Grading |
This course provides a framework for considering multiple approaches for storing and processing symbolic data. The course builds upon concepts and algorithms from previous CS courses, developing alternative perspectives of topics studied earlier and introducing new approaches. Within the course, students will apply general principles and techniques to solve sample problems.
Henry M. Walker
Office Hours are posted weekly on the bulletin board outside Science
2420, with additional hours possible by appointment. You may reserve a half
hour meeting by signing up on the weekly schedule, but please sign up
at least a day in advance.
Thomas Dean, James Allen, and Yiannis Aloimonos, Artificial
Intelligence: Theory and Practice, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
Company, Inc., 1995.
This course will involve written assignments, programming assignments,
projects, and tests.
Late Penalty: Work is due at the start of class on the date
specified in the assignment. A penalty of 33 1/3 % per class meeting
will be assessed on any work turned in late, even work submitted at
the end of a class. Thus, work turned in 4 days late will be weighted
-33 1/3 %; since a negative score reduces a semester total, it is better
not to turn the work in at all.
Absolute Deadline: All homework must be turned in
by Friday, May 8 at 5:00 pm.
Office: Science 2420
Telephone: extension 4208
Exception: Deadlines for programming problems and projects are
automatically extended at least one class day if the HP network is down for
an unscheduled period of 3 or more hours during the week preceding the
assignment due date. (In such cases, however, deadlines for written
assignments are not extended.)
Written Assignments: | 25% | Test | 10% | Exam: | 25% |
Programming Assignments: | 15% | Project: | 25% | ||
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