Themes | Goals | Instructor | Textbooks | Schedule | Course Work |
Writing | Labs | Comp.Accts. | Grading |
This tutorial will consider three promising areas of current research in computer science: artificial intelligence (especially expert systems and neural networks), parallel algorithms, and distributed computing (including the World Wide Web). Each of these research areas provides perspectives on problem-solving, and this tutorial will explore each of these perspectives in some detail. Artificial intelligence studies both how the human mind might function and approachs for solving problems often associated with intelligent decision making; parallel algorithms involve problem-solving approaches which take advantage of multiple processors; and distributed computing utilizes networks of machines for the storage and processing of data. For each of these topics, discussion will cover basic concepts, sample applications, and directions of current research. In addition, the tutorial will identify factors that limit how computers may be used. Results from the theory of computation show that some problems are inherently not solvable, while practical considerations restrict the nature of the solutions that may be found for other problems.
Study of each theme will include consideration of basic
concepts and approaches, directions of current research, and, whenever
possible, some first hand experiences. In addition, the following goals
are common to all tutorials:
Office: Science 2420
Jack Copeland, Artificial Intelligence: A Philosophical Introduction,
Blackwell Publishers, Oxford England and Cambridge MA, 1993.
Henry M. Walker, The Limits of Computing,
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Boston MA, 1994.
In addition, numerous articles and references will be assigned. In most
cases, these will be distributed in class or available at Burling Library's
Reserve Desk.
The class meets on Tuesdays and
Thursdays, from August 28 through October 16 and from October 28 through
December 11. Depending on the plans for a particular day, the class will
begin at 8:00 or 8:30 am; all classes will finish by 10:00 am.
While the schedule for this course may evolve somewhat, a
Tentative Class Schedule is available.
Course work will involve a combination of the following activities.
To expand on the use of this third copy, Grinnell College develops
portfolios of student work spanning all four years of college, as
part of efforts related to its periodic re-accreditation.
The idea is to compare papers written the first year with those written
during the senior year to determine something of the education that has
resulted from study at Grinnell College. To support this work, the College
collects some papers of tutorial students, so that this material
can be compared with work done later on. Any such comparisons do not
affect one's grades or academic progress in any way. Further, no names
involved in any comparions are identified or released in any way to
anyone outside of Grinnell College.
In addition to VAX accounts which are asigned when they students register
at the College, all students in this class will receive accounts on the
departmental HP computers. Some class activities will involve the use of
these departmental machines.
Telephone: extension 4208
Office hours are posted weekly on the bulletin board outside my office.
Additional hours can be scheduled by appointment.
If you wish, you may reserve a half hour meeting by signing up on the weekly