Science Phase 2: Documents and Pictures

This page provides access to materials related to the construction of Phase 2 of Grinnell College's Science Building.


These documents support the building process.

Transition Plans/Schedules

These spreadsheets indicate details of which folk, classrooms, and labs will move where and when.

Floor Plans with Room Numbers and Preliminary Room Assignments

These floor plans represent the current best guess regarding room assignments during this time of transition. Changes are likely, so these assignments should not be taken as authoritative.

Floor Summer 2007 Fall 2007 January 2008
Basement: Draft: 12 January 2007 Draft: 30 July 2007 Draft: 16 January 2008
First Floor: Draft: 15 January 2007 Draft: 13 August 2007 Draft: 28 Febeuary 2008
Second Floor: Draft: 6 April 2007 Draft: 23 Augut 2007 Draft: 28 February 2008
Third Floor: Draft: 30 July 2007 Draft: 16 January 2008


The following links lead to pictures of the construction and campus.

January 2007
December 2006
October 2006
September 2006
August 2006
July 2006
May 2006
April 2006
March 2006
February 2006
January 2006
December 2005
November 2005
July 2005

created 18 December 2005
last revised 16 January 2008
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