Science Phase 2: Views from the Crane

7 August 2006

The following pictures show several views from the tower crane, moving clockwise from the west.

Click on any picture for the original, larger version.

West Section
western section
Western section, looking west: The third-floor roof provides storage space, particularly for materials related to the ventilation and exhaust shutdown in mid August. The roof of the 1951 wing (chemistry and biology) is in the upper left.
south western section (1)
South western section: A closer view of the area on the roof of the 1951 wing scheduled for work during the ventilation/exhaust shutdown in mid August.
South Western Section
south western section (2)
South western section: The Science Building elbow
south section
Southern Section: The southern part of the existing Science Building, about the 1964 wing. Work focuses on redoing much of the ventilation system.
Courtyard and Greenhouse
Courtyard: The new courtyard with the existing Science building at the top of the picture. Work in the courtyard itself involves bringing a new steam line into an old steam tunnel.
south-eastern section
Greenhouse: Waterproofing protects the floor of the greenhouse.
East Section
eastern section
Eastern Section: The roof the third floor section (above computer science), with the chiller plant at the top.
north section (1)
North Eastern Section: The northeastern side of the building, facing Eighth Avenue.
north section (2)
North Section: This section will become the Science Library.
north-west section
North Western Section: Portable scaffolding along the northern side of the building has been used by the masons for waterproofing. Brick work will come next.

created 7 August 2006
last revised 7 August 2006
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