AP CS Ad Hoc Committee
Notes from the Meeting on April 27-29, 1996

During April 27-29, 1996, the AP CS Ad Hoc Committee held its last formally-scheduled meeting. From the standpoint of the participants, the efforts of this Committee have been most productive. Not only did this work allow the AP CS Test Development Committee to refine the C++ subset and clarify several issues of content, but the interactions also raised some interesting possibilities and suggestions for new directions and initiatives for SIGCSE. The following notes highlight a variety of ideas.

C++ in AP CS

The AP CS Topic Outline

Teacher Training

The Relationship Between AP CS and SIGCSE

Several hours during the meeting considered how to promote and expand appropriate interactions between AP CS and the more general CS community, with particular consideration of the relationship between AP CS and SIGCSE and/or ACM's Education Board. Altogether, this discussion produced many interesting suggestions for further directions and explorations, although some specific actions may require additional actions by the SIGCSE or other groups. Some important points from this discusison follow: The discussions within the Ad Hoc Committee identified some specific opportunities and suggestions for SIGCSE to help foster dialog among teachers at all levels and to expand participation by secondary school teachers. These suggestions seemed practical and consistent with the aims of SIGCSE as the premier organization for faculty interested in computer science education.

These ideas have been forwarded to the SIGCSE Board, where a detailed review is in progress. Within SIGCSE, such suggestions are particularly timely, since SIGCSE has undertaken a general effort to reach out to a broader audience -- both internationally and within the United States -- and to include a wider range of interests. The goal here is not to limit SIGCSE's audience to introductory-level courses, but to expand discussion at all levels, with AP CS as one important part. Thus, the work suggested by the AP CS Ad Hoc Committee is meant to complement, not limit, other initiatives. (Other SIGCSE efforts might even be directed at high-level, undergraduate courses or even at graduate education.)

With on-going cooperation among AP CS, SIGCSE, and other groups, the Ad Hoc Committee believes there is a good chance of expanding interactions between college and high school faculty, reinforcing communication channels between AP CS and the general CS Community, and increasing SIGCSE membership. Your SIGCSE representatives on the Committee welcome your comments.

Suggestions concerning this World Wide Web page also are welcome.

created June 6, 1996
last revised June 7, 1996

Henry M. Walker (walker@math.grin.edu)