CSC 161 Supplemental Problem 3 Grading Form
This grading form expands the Program
Style Summary and Checklist that applies to all program development
in CSC 161.
This project will be worth 25 points, based on the following rubric:
Input: cipher alphabet, keyword, and message (5 points)
one prompt allows the user to enter the cipher alphabet
one prompt allows the user to enter a keyword
one prompt allows the user to enter the message (only one line needed).
Letters should be converted to upper case for consistency.
- Encoding (11 points)
Each letter of the message is shifted an appropriate amount, according to
the keyword (6 points)
Each shifted letter is encoded properly by the cipher alphabet (5 points)
- Decoding (optional: up to 13 points)
Each letter is decoded properly from the cipher alphabet to the plain alphabet (8 points)
Each plain-alphabet letter is properly shifted to obtain the original message. (5 points)
Comments on Program Format, Comments, Readability, etc.
(Points not given, but points can be deducted.)
Testing (4 points for encoding; up to 2 points for decoding)
Test Plan with a numbered listing of the circumstances that can reasonably
arise in this problem
White box testing is considered
Black box testing is considered
Listing of test cases to be considered, with the expected outcome
Listing of actual test runs
Statement of why the program is correct
Form updated: 27 August 2013