CSC 161 | Grinnell College | Spring, 2015 |
Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures | ||
Problems on this page are under revision; started problems (*) are likely to change before the semester begins. Do not rely upon this page until classes start in January!
Supplemental Problems extend the range of problems considered in the course and help sharpen problem-solving skills. To support this objective, all Supplemental Problems are to be done individually.
Problems numbered 6 or higher may be turned in for extra credit.
Quick links: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Use the link, Detailed Coursework Instructions, to find specific instructions regarding code, submission, and testing of supplemental problems.
if ((no_comments) || (missing pre- or post-conditions) || (formatting_does_not_show_structure) || (long_procedures_not_divided_into_sections_with_clarifying_comments) || (no_evidence_of_compilation) || (no_test_plan___no_listing_of_circumstances__OR__no_listing_of_test_cases) || (no_test_runs) || (no_commentary_on_correctness)) || (no_signed_certification_regarding_sources_and_help) || (use of Bubble Sort or non-approved sorting algorithm) return (no_grade);
When a program and its output are submitted according to the above instructions, it should be understood that any output was generated by the program as given, unless explicit comments indicate changes that might have been made. Discrepancies between a program and an output file may raise questions of academic dishonesty; and, by College policy, any evidence of academic dishonesty must be turned over to the Academic Standing Committee for action.
Grading for each supplemental problem will involve two parts:
Several grocery stores have programs that encourage customer loyalty. In one common approach, a customer has a card from the grocery store that keeps track of the amount the customer has spent at the store in the last two weeks. Based upon the total expenditure, the customer is entitled to a discount at a cooperating gas station. The following table shows a hypothetical type of discount policy that represents a composite of several store programs:
Amount Spent at Grocery Store | Discount per Gallon on Gas | Maximum Number of Gallons at Discounted Price |
$0.00 — $39.99 | no discount | no discount |
$40.00 — $79.99 | 2 cents per gallon | up to 15 gallons |
$80.00 — $99.99 | 2 cents per gallon | no limit on gallons |
$100.00 — $129.99 | 5 cents per gallon | up to $1.50 discount |
$130.00 — $149.99 | 5 cents per gallon | no limit on gallons |
$150.00 — $174.99 | 9 cents per gallon | up to 17 gallons |
$175.00 or more | 12 cents per gallon | no limit on gallons |
Write a program that begins with initialized variables for the two-week total for grocery purchases, a price per gallon for gas (before any discount), and the number of gallons purchased. The program should print:
Grading Forms
A simple savings account earns compound interest over time, based upon an annual interest rate (e.g., 1% or 9%) per year. The basic computations proceed as follows:
monthlyRate = annRate / 1200.0;
interest = monthlyRate * (old balance) new balance = (old balance) + interest
For example, at an annual rate of 8%, the monthly rate is 0.00666667. With a starting balance of $100, the computations proceed as follows for the first year:
Starting Monthly Ending Month Balance Interest Balance 0 ------ ---- 100.00 1 100.00 0.67 100.67 2 100.67 0.67 101.34 3 101.34 0.68 102.01 4 102.01 0.68 102.69 5 102.69 0.68 103.38 6 103.38 0.69 104.07 7 104.07 0.69 104.76 8 104.76 0.70 105.46 9 105.46 0.70 106.16 10 106.16 0.71 106.87 11 106.87 0.71 107.58 12 107.58 0.72 108.30
This problem asks to you
The following notes provide additional information regarding this work.
procedure computeUntilDouble
void computeUntilDouble (double initial_balance, double annual_rate, char print_option, int * months_to_double)
The program should compute and print the following:
Grading Forms
This problem largely represents a revision, by Jerod Weinman, of an earlier draft written by Henry M. Walker. Henry M. Walker added modest additional editing.
In CSC 151, you created a variety of interesting image transformations, but all of them were limited to the information at a single pixel. In this assignment we examine a category of image processing operations that use a small neighborhood surrounding a pixel. In particular, we will use the so-called "unsharp mask" technique, which adds a fraction of the difference between a blurred version of the image and the original back to an image in order to further enhance the places that change most when blurred (i.e., image details).
Original Image | Blurred Image | Sharpened Image |
Sharpening an image with the blurred version (the unsharp mask) might proceed with the following basic steps
for each channel in R, G, B data ← getChannel(image, channel) avg ← calculateWindowAverage(data) diff ← data - avg data ← data + factor * diff setChannel(image, data, channel)
where data
, avg
, and diff
are all
two dimensional arrays representing the appropriate quantities. The
arithmetic operations shown (e.g., -
) must be applied to corresponding
locations in these arrays.
Note that while values in avg
must necessarily stay within
the unsigned char
range required by
images, diff
could have both positive or negative values,
which means we need to process these intermediate steps outside
the Picture
data type. It's also possible that the changes
to data
could take it outside the valid 0…255 range.
Thus, we must clip the results before returning them to
a Picture
To sharpen, factor
should be positive, but is typically in
the range of 0.5-1.5. (You can experiment to determine a value you find
How should one calculate a window average? Each point in the result should be the average of the pixels from the original data from around a 3 by 3 grid around that position. That is, for a given row r and column c, compute the average among the values in positions
[c-1, r-1] | [c, r-1] | [c+1, r-1] |
[c-1, r] | [c, r] | [c+1, r] |
[c-1, r+1] | [c, r+1] | [c+1, r+1] |
When any of these row/column positions falls outside the image (i.e., above the top, to the left or right, below the bottom), ignore that position in computing the average.
Write a program that takes a picture from the Scribbler 2's camera and sharpens it using this technique. That is, the program should do the following:
Grading Forms
A public library allows residents to check out up to five books at a time. Assuming the town is small, everyone is known by name, so only a person's name, the number of books, and the due date are stored. (No need to keep track of addresses or telephone numbers — that information is well known throughout the town.) In support of this application, we will store the relevant data on a singly-linked list using node declarations:
#define maxStrLen 100 #define maxBooks 5 struct item { char name [maxNameLen]; int numBooks; char booksBorrowed [maxBooks] [maxStrLen]; char dueDate [basStrLen]; struct item * next; }
To make processing easy (at least for this problem), a resident checks out one to five books with a common due date. Further checkouts are not allowed, until all previous books are returned. Residents can inquire about what books they have checked out at anhy time.
Initial processing notes:
The main menu for working with residents and checked out books is as follows:
Library checkout options: c: check out 1-5 books (but only if resident has no books currently checked out) p: print all residents with checked out books s: search the checkout list for a given resident, printing the resident's name, books checked out (if any), and due date r: return a book, given resident's name and book title q: quit
When a resident checks out books, the titles are stored as rows in the booksBorrowed array. For convenience in printing, the titles are all in the first rows of the table. If the resident has not borrowed the maximum of five books, the last rows are left blank.
When a resident wants to check out books (option c), the list is searched. If the resident has no books outstanding, a new node is created for the resident. For efficient insertion, this node should be added at the front of the linked list. (For example, one might use the approach of Scheme-like lists.)
Printing (option p) should display resident names with checked out books, the books they have borrowed, and the common due date. The resident's records may appear in any order. However, printing should not change the list itself.
Some residents inquire often about their checked-out books, and some residents ask rarely. Thus, in improve efficiency for curious residents, whenever a search for a resident (option s) is performed, the resident's record is moved one node closer to the front of the list. (Assuming the resident has checkout books to find. If the resident's name is already first, the list is not changed.) This movement of nodes will help ensure that commonly accessed nodes stay near the front of the list.
When a book is returned (option r), the book title is removed from the resident's record in the node.
Each menu option for this problem (except quit) should be performed by a separate function. (Helper functions are allowed. As long as the main program calls a function for each menu option, processing may be organized in whatever way seems appropriate.
Global variables may not be used in this problem. (Each declaration of a global variable will yield a 15 point penalty, so the use of two global variables guarantees 0 points for this problem.)
Grading Forms
The game of Scrabble is a word game, in which players place letters on a grid to form words. After the first word is placed on the board, subsequent words must intersect one or more existing words. In the game, letters from a player are connected to letters already on the board to form words. Many descriptions of the game are available online, including a reasonably thorough discussion on Wikipedia.
This problem a basic software program for recording and displaying player moves involving the addition of a word to the board, where a new word will intersect with an existing word. For example, consider the following grid:
This grid contains numerous words arranged horizontally or vertically, and each word is connected to one or more other words at various letters. When inserting a word, it is not required that every letter of the new word must form a word with every adjacent letter. For example, the words PROGRAM, MEMORY, NETWORK, SYSTEM and STRING at the top left are positioned along the vertical word POETS. Reading down in the next column from POETS, one gets the sequence RRTET; this is not a word, but that is irrelevant to the rules for this problem.
Within this context, a first word may be placed anywhere on the grid. Thereafter adding a new word requires that the word connect with at least one existing letter already on the grid. If the new word would extend over several existing letters, then the corresponding letters must match. For example, in the illustration, the word RARE could be added vertically using the R in PROGRAM and the R in NETWORK. However, the word RAKE could not be added in this position. The first R would fit with the R of PROGRAM, but the K in RAKE does not match the grid element already on the grid (the R in NETWORK).
This problem asks you to support four operations for a simple game of
scrabble; a fifth operation, redo
, is optional for extra credit.
Menu options: i: initialize the board a: add a new word to the board u: undo the previous word addition(s) r: redo the previous undo operation q: quit
Operation Notes:
After each operation (except quit), the program should print the current layout of the board.
Programming Notes:
Implementing an undo operation requires keeping track of the past letters placed on the board and where they were placed. Implementing several undo operations means that each add operation must be recorded, with access to the most recent add first. This last in-first out represents the standard method of storage for a stack. In this case, an item on the stack will be the letters actually placed on the board (likely ignoring letters already there), the starting location, and the word orientation (e.g., horizontal or vertical).
An undo operation requires popping the top element the stack and removing the relevant characters from the board. However, the undone action should not forgotten, as this information could be needed for a redo operation. Further undo actions would also need to be stored for a potential redo. In every case, it is always the most recent undone action we would want to redo, which suggests we should store these undone actions in their own redo stack.
Thus, a redo action would pop an element from the redo stack, replay the action, and push it onto the undo stack (as with a normal play). Further redo actions would repeat this process.
In this way, a user could conceivably navigate pushing the same items back and forth between the undo and redo stacks in a manner functionally equivalent to navigating forward and backward through a linear history of the board states.
However, an add after undo or redo operations must reset the forward history of the board. Put another way, an add after an undo or redo should empty the redo stack, while undo operations could still go further backward
Your program must use a self-contained list-based stack library package, such as developed in the lab on stacks. You should include a Makefile for building all elements of your program (which will require at least two .c files and one .h file).
Grading Forms
Any of the following problems may be done for extra credit. As noted in the course syllabus, however, a student's overall problems' average may not exceed 120%.
Suppose we are given a continuous function f, and we want to approximate a value r where f(r)=0. While this can be a difficult problem in general, suppose that we can guess two points a and b (perhaps from a graph) where f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs. The four possible cases are shown below:
We are given a and b for which f(a) and f(b) have opposite signs. Thus, we can infer that a root r must lie in the interval [a, b]. In one step, we can cut this interval in half as follows. If f(a) and f(m) have opposite signs, then r must lie in the interval [a, m]; otherwise, r must lie in the interval [m, b].
As a special case for the Bisection Method, consider the function f(x) = xn - r, where n is a positive integer and r is a positive real number. A root of this function occurs when r = xn, or r is the nth root of r.
Write a program that inputs a positive integer n, a positive real number r, and a positive real number acc and uses the bisection method to compute the nth root of r.
Programming Notes:
In planning a trip by automobile, several routes might be considered. Some roads may be direct, but speed limits vary according to the type of road. Further, travel through cities may take longer than routes that avoid driving through city centers. This problem considers finding routes in Iowa that will take the least amount of time from one city to another. For reference, the Iowa Department of Transportation posts a map of the main routes in Iowa. Most highways run north-south or east-west; interstate highways run through the middle of the state, US highways and some state roads run in some areas with reasonably high speed, and rural or county roads connect many smaller towns.
In this problem, we consider the main interstates, US highways, state roads, and county roads. We do not consider small connecting roads, improved gravel roads, or rough gravel streets intended for low-speed farm travel. Further, all routes start at a designated starting city, go from one city to an adjacent city, until a destination city is reached.
The following table identifies the time (in mimutes) for direct travel from one city to another within the northeastern quadrant of Iowa. (Data from Google maps, accessed January 2, 2015.) A dash indicates there is not a direct highway between cities, so a traveler must follow a path through intermediate cities on the way.
Ames | Cedar Rapids | Charles City | Clinton | Davenport | Decorah | Des Moines | Dubuque | Grinnell | 10Iowa City | 11Iowa Falls | 12Manchester | 13Maquoketa | 14Marshalltown | 15Mason City | 16Nevada | 17New Hampton | 18Waterloo | 19Webster City | |
Ames | — | 35 min | 50 min. | 14 min | 44 min | ||||||||||||||
Cedar Rapids | — | 98 min. | 141 min. | 77 min. | 74 min. | 32 min. | 54 min. | 70 min. | 76 min. | 51 min. | |||||||||
Charles City | — | 78 min. | 39 min | 22 min. | 48 min | ||||||||||||||
Clinton | 98 min. | — | 47 min. | 43 min. | |||||||||||||||
Davenport | 47 min. | — | 74 min. | 59 min. | 44 min. | ||||||||||||||
Decorah | 141 min. | — | 115 min. | 90 min. | 48 min. | ||||||||||||||
Des Moines | 35 min | — | 51 min. | 54 min. | |||||||||||||||
Dubuque | 77 min. | 74 min. | 115 min. | — | 89 min. | 47 min. | 33 min. | 87 min. | |||||||||||
Grinnell | 74 min. | 51 min. | — | 63 min. | 92 min. | 38 min. | 80 min. | ||||||||||||
Iowa City | 32 min. | 59 min. | 89 min. | 63 min. | — | 77 min. | |||||||||||||
Iowa Falls | 50 min. | 78 min. | 92 min. | — | 57 min. | 58 min. | 51 min. | 54 min. | 35 min. | ||||||||||
Manchester | 54 min. | 44 min. | 90 min. | 47 min. | 77 min. | — | 68 min. | 48 min. | |||||||||||
Maquoketa | 70 min. | 43 min | 33 min. | 68 min. | — | ||||||||||||||
Marshalltown | 76 min. | 54 min. | 38 min. | 57 min. | — | 36 min. | 64 min. | ||||||||||||
Mason City | 39 min. | 58 min. | — | 91 min. | 70 min. | ||||||||||||||
Nevada | 14 min. | 51 min. | 36 min. | 91 min. | — | 78 min. | |||||||||||||
New Hampton | 22 min. | 48 min. | — | 44 min. | |||||||||||||||
Waterloo | 51 min. | 48 min. | 87 min. | 80 min. | 54 min. | 48 min. | 64 min. | 44 min. | — | ||||||||||
Webster City | 44 min. | 35 min. | 70 min. | 78 min. | — |
Write a program that reads two cities and determines the path with the least driving time between them. The program should print both the list of cities on the path and the total time for the overall route.
Archetectural plans for a building often show the location of electrical outlets. In this problem, a program reviews the minimum distances from room locations to elctrical outlets throughout the building.
Since walls often are constructed with 2" by 4" studs, consider placing the floor plan of a building on a 4" grid. A sample floor plan is shown below for a 25' by 15' structure (grid size 76 by 46) (where the numbers show distance in feet):
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwvwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w w w w w w 1 w w w w w w . w w 2 . = < . w w . w w 3 . w w . w w . . w 4 . . w . . w . . w 5 . . w . . < . . w 6 w . w w . w w . w 7 w . w w f w w w w w 8 wwwwwwwwwwwwww|wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.............www|wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w w w w 9 w f < w w w w 10 w . w . w . w . w . > . 12 w . w . w . 13 w . w . w w 14 w w w f w w w 15 wwwwwwwwwww^wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww^wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
This floor plan uses a simple notation for these main elements:
In the example, the left wall has two electrical outlets accessible to the room on the right, the right wall has two outlets accessible to the left, and the middle wall has one location where outlets are available on both the left and right. Similarly the wall at the top has two outlets available to the rooms at the top, the wall at the bottom as two outlets available to the room above, and the middle wall has two locations with outlets available to the rooms on both sides.
Although this representation is reasonably primitive, it translates simply to a 2-dimensional character array. Pragmatically, this should be set up by first asking the user for the size of the grid and then entering the character codes row by row.
Write a program that reads the grid and then reads positions in the grid. For each position read, the program should compute the approximate shortest distance (in inches) to an electrical outlet.
Programming notes:
Assume that tape has been place on the floor, and suppose that the color of the tape is significantly different (i.e., darker or lighter) than the floor. This problem asks you to write a program that will control the robot to follow the tape for at least a minute or two.
Some programming notes:
Overall, the robot should follow a tape that winds left and right around the floor for at 10 or more feet.
In CSC 161 and numerous other courses, students may work on labs or projects (sometimes other assignments) in small groups (usually pairs). These groups are assigned by the instructor, and groups are changed frequently. This problem seeks a program to determine these assigned groups. (Currently, the assignments are done manually, with a labor-intensive process.) The basic requirements follow:
Write a program that identifies and prints up to 14 assignments of students (i.e., up to one new assignment of pairs each week). The program should have the following features:
Suppose a store's cash register stocks as many coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, fifty-cent pieces, and one-dollar coins) and as many bills (one-dollar, five dollar, ten dollar, and twenty dollar denominations) as possible.
Write a program that reads an amount of change (up to $200.00) and prints:
Programming Notes:
Hint: Although this problem can be solved in many ways, one reasonably efficient, simple, and elegant algorithm makes heavy use of recursion.
Write a C program that takes the name of a file as a command-line argument, opens the file, reads through it to determine the number of words in each sentence, displays the total number of words and sentences, and computes the average number of words per sentence. The results should be printed in a table (at standard output), such as shown below:
This program counts words and sentences in file "comp.text ". Sentence: 1 Words: 29 Sentence: 2 Words: 41 Sentence: 3 Words: 16 Sentence: 4 Words: 22 Sentence: 5 Words: 44 Sentence: 6 Words: 14 Sentence: 7 Words: 32 File "comp.text" contains 198 words words in 7 sentences for an average of 28.3 words per sentence.
Notes for this problem:
A word is defined as any contiguous sequence of letters. Apostrophes at the beginning or the end of a word should be ignored. Apostrophes with letters immediately before and after are considered part of a word. For example, "O'Henry", "I've", "you're", "friend's" and "friends'" should each be considered as one word.
A sentence is defined as any sequence of words that ends with a period, exclamation point, or question mark, except a period after a single capital letter (e.g., an initial) or embedded within digits (e.g., a real number) should not be counted as being the end of a sentence.
Digits and punctuation (other than apostrophes, periods, explanation points, and question marks) should be considered the same as white space. Thus,
After they walked, talked, and ate, the first person said, "I'd like to swim: crawl, side stroke, and butterfly."
Should be considered the same as
After they walked talked and ate the first person said I'd like to swim crawl side stroke and butterfly
White space (e.g., spaces, tabs, line feeds, and return characters) are considered as equivalent. Multiple white space characters are considered the same as one space character. Thus, the above passage would equivalent to the following:
After they walked talked and ate the first person said I'd like to swim crawl side stroke and butterfly
The file /home/walker/207/data-sets/iowa-population-by-county.txt contains population and race information for Iowa counties from the 2010 census. County information is contained on two successive lines, followed by a blank line (for readability).
Write a program that reads a filename from the terminal and then determines the ranking of Poweshiek County regarding the total number of Black/African Americans. The result should be a ranking number (where 1 means that the county has the largest number of Black/African Americans and 99 means that the count has the smallest number of Iowa's 99 counties).
Programming Notes:
Gemstones are attractive forms of rock crystal, commonly used for decoration and in jewelry. Gemstones also have interesting mineral properties. Gemstones may be classified in a variety of ways, including chemical composition, crystal structure, color, specific gravity, refractive index, and hardness:
Chemical Composition: While some gemstones are primarily composed of atoms of one element (e.g., diamonds are mostly carbon, with coloring coming from traces of other elements), other gemstones are made up of atoms of several atoms (e.g., mica molecules include oxygen, hydrogen, silicon, aluminum, iron, and/or many others). On-line sources of information include general references (e.g., Common Mineral Groups) and references to specific minerals (e.g., micas).
Color may be classified informally (e.g., red, yellow, etc.) or more formally by viewing thin slices of mineral crystals through the microscope, using polarized light (see, for example, Minerals under the Microscope).
Specific Gravity is a measure of the density of a mineral. More precisely, specific gravity is the ratio of the weight of the mineral in air to its weight in an equal volume of water. More details are available from various on-line sources (see, for example, the Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom's glossary for specific gravity.
Refractive Index provides a measure of how much light bends within a crystal. The higher the refractive index, the more bending and the more brilliant a crystal is likely to appear. For more information, see various on-line sources, such as Refractive Index.
Crystal Structure: Crystals typically have one of several standard shapes or structures, including cubic, tetragonal, orthorhombic, hexagonal, monoclinic, and triclinic. While the details of such structures are beyond the scope of this problem, the World Wide Web contains many useful references, including crystal forms (at the macro-level) and the (atomic-level) representation of structures prepared as part of lecture series by S. J. Heyes.
Hardness often is measured on the (nonlinear) Mohs Scale, which associates a hardness number to each mineral, from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest):
As a comparison, a fingernail has hardness 2.5, glass has hardness 5.5, and a steel file has hardness 6.5. Minerals of the same hardness should not scratch each other, but a mineral of one hardness will scratch minerals with a lower hardness number.
File /home/walker/151s/labs/gems.txt contains information on several gemstones, including color, hardness, specific gravity, and refractive index. Within the file, each line contains information about a specific gemstone.
Here are a couple of sample lines, and a character 'ruler' to show how wide the fields are:
11111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555666666666677777 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 Zircon RED 7.5 4.50 1.95 Topaz YELLOW 8 3.53 1.62
To clarify, the names of the gemstones come first in a line and are right-justified in a column. The colors come next, followed by hardness (on a scale 1 to 10), then specific gravity, and finally refractive index (generally between 1.3 and 2.5).
Write a program print-by-color that will let you select the gemstones of a certain color and print the information about those gemstones, where the resulting table is in alphabetical order by gemstone name and where the columns are labeled.
For example, if this procedure is invoked with the statement
(print-by-color "GREY")the procedure should return a table, such as the following:
Specific Refractive Gemstone Color Hardness Gravity Index Alabaster GREY 2 2.32 1.53 Bakelite GREY 2.5 1.28 1.65 Calcite GREY 3 2.7 2.71 Casein GREY 2.5 1.33 1.55 Celluoid GREY 2 1.35 1.50 Chalcedony GREY 7 2.62 1.53 Corundum GREY 9 3.99 3.99 Diamond GREY 10 3.52 3.52 Hematite GREY 6 5.10 5.05 Ivory GREY 2.5 1.80 1.54 Jadeite GREY 7 3.34 3.33 Labradorite GREY 6 2.7 2.70 Marble GREY 3 2.71 1.50 Meerschaum GREY 2 1.50 1.53 Nephrite GREY 3.5 3.00 2.96 Opal GREY 6 2.10 2.10 Quartz GREY 7 2.65 1.55 Quartz GREY 7 3.33 2.65 Talc GREY 1 2.70 2.75Another possible format might be:
Specific Refractive Gemstone Name Color Hardness Gravity Index Alabaster GREY 2 2.32 1.53 Bakelite GREY 2.5 1.28 1.65 Calcite GREY 3 2.70 2.71 Casein GREY 2.5 1.33 1.55 Celluoid GREY 2 1.35 1.50 Chalcedony GREY 7 2.62 1.53 Corundum GREY 9 3.99 3.99 Diamond GREY 10 3.52 3.52 Hematite GREY 6 5.10 5.05 Ivory GREY 2.5 1.80 1.54 Jadeite GREY 7 3.34 3.33 Labradorite GREY 6 2.70 2.70 Marble GREY 3 2.71 1.50 Meerschaum GREY 2 1.50 1.53 Nephrite GREY 3.5 3.00 2.96 Opal GREY 6 2.10 2.10 Quartz GREY 7 2.65 1.55 Quartz GREY 7 3.33 2.65 Talc GREY 1 2.70 2.75
As shown in each example, the gemstone names and properties must appear in labeled columns. Gemstone names may be either left-justified or right-justified.
Note that some gemstones, such as Quartz above, appear several times in the table, since variations of a gemstone may have different properties.
Write a program that reads a line of text from the terminal and checks if the parentheses in the line are balanced.
Comments on a solution to the problem: This problem can be solved reasonably easily using a single left-to-right scan of a line, if left parentheses are placed on a stack as they are encountered. Then, when a right parenthesis is found, the stack can be popped and one can check if the right parenthesis has the same type as the left one.
Programming Note: Your program should use a self-contained Stack library package, as described in the lab on Stacks and implemented as lists.