Computers are sometimes characterized as symbol manipulators.
Altogether, computer processing involves representing symbols in some way, manipulating those symbols, and outputting the results symbolically. That is, at a fundamental level, computers symbol manipulators.
Results from theoretical computer science show that expanding the symbols from 0's and 1's to any richer symbolic system (e.g., the English alphabet) does not affect the problems that computers can solve. Some symbolic systems may be more convenient than others, but any system with at least two symbols has the same representation power as any other system.
Summary of Computer Processing: Computers process by manipulating symbols.
Many aspects of computer processing seem analogous to how the brain works:
Fundamental question: Does processing within the human brain involve anything beyond this manipulation of symbols?
Answer: No, the above outline completely explains human thinking!
Certainly, the Symbols System Hypothesis is consistent with view of determinism, behaviorism, and the perspectives of B. F. Skinner.
If the Symbols System Hypothesis is incorrect,
created 8 January 2007 last revised 9 January 2007 | previous next |