Pragmatics: How to Test for Intelligence?
Software testing typically follows one of two approaches:
Black-box Testing
White-box Testing
Black-box Testing
Run program with various input values; examine correctness of the output(s)
Ignore processing details – how results are obtained
Famous approach for testing software, the Turing Test, comes from
Alan Turing (Computing Machinery and Intelligence, 1950)
Place computer in one room, person (human A) in another
Place observer in a third room.
Observer has two terminals (historically, teletypes), one to computer and
one to A
Initially, observer does not know which terminal goes to which
Observer asks questions over the terminals, and computer/A respond
If observer cannot tell consistently which is the computer and which is A,
then the computer is deemed to demonstrate intelligence
created 8 January 2007
last revised 15 February 2007