Walker photo

Henry MacKay Walker

Lecturer in Computer Science
Computer Science, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA

Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Mathematics
Computer Science, Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa

Courses On-line Pubs. On-line Talks Schedules
GnuPG Public Key Recent Activities Curriculum Vitae Interests
Positions Held Education Publications
Teaching Statement Scholarship Statement Computer Science and the Liberal Arts (Manuscript / Preprint )


Spring 2024:
[Sonoma State University]
Computer Science 415.001, Algorithm Analysis
Computer Science 454.001, Theory of Computation
Spring 2023
[Sonoma State University] :
Computer Science 415.001: Algorithm Analysis
Fall 2022:
[Sonoma State University]
Computer Science 415.001: Analysis of Algorithms
Spring 2022:
[Sonoma State University]
Computer Science 115.005/006: Computer Programming I
Computer Science 415.002: Analysis of Algorithms
Fall 2021:
[Sonoma State University]
Computer Science 242.002: Discrete Structures for Computer Science
Fall 2020, Term-1: Computer Science 161.01: Imperative Problem Solving with Lab
Spring 2020:
[University of Puget Sound]
Computer Science 261: Computer Science II
Computer Science 291: Programming Language Paradigms
Computer Science 395: Algorithms and Applications: Opportunities and Risks
Fall 2019: Computer Science 161.01: Imperative Problem Solving with Lab
Spring 2019:
[Willamette University]
Computer Science 199: Introduction to PHP Programming, MySQL Databases, and Web Development
Computer Science 451: Topics in Computer Science: Operating Systems and Concurrency
Fall 2018: Computer Science 161.01: Imperative Problem Solving with Lab
Computer Science 207.02: Object-oriented Problem Solving, Data Structures and Algorithms
Spring 2018: Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Memory Management
Fall 2017:
[Williams College]
Computer Science 134: Introduction to Computer Science
Computer Science 353 Tutorial: Algorithms and Applications: Opportunities and Risks
Spring 2017:
[The University of the South]
Computer Science 101: Introduction to Computer Science
Computer Science 157: Introduction to Modeling and Programming
(course site moved here from hive.sewanee.edu; contact me regarding dead links or other difficulties encountered)
Fall 2016: Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Fall 2015 – Spring 2016: Sabbatical Leave — Primary project: Updating, refining, and porting MyroC and CSC 161
Spring 2015: Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Computer Science 207: Algorithms and Object-oriented Design
Fall 2014: Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Computer Science 207: Algorithms and Object-oriented Design
Computer Science 301: Analysis of Algorithms
Computer Science 299/499: Bluetooth Communication with C
Spring 2014: Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Computer Science 341: Automata, Formal Languages, and Computational Complexity
Fall 2013: Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Computer Science 301: Analysis of Algorithms
Computer Science 499: Bluetooth Communication with C
Spring 2013: Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Computer Science 207: Algorithms and Object-oriented Design
Fall 2012: Mathematics 131: Calculus I (Sections 1 and 4)
Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Spring 2012: Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Computer Science 207: Algorithms and Object-oriented Design
Computer Science 341: Automata, Formal Languages, and Computational Complexity
Fall 2011: Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Computer Science 301: Analysis of Algorithms
Summer 2011: Computer Science 499: Using Robots in CSC 161: an Exploration
Summer 2010: Computer Science 499: Placement of Incoming Students in Computer Science, Statistics, and Mathematics
Spring 2010: Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Computer Science 341: Automata, Formal Languages, and Computational Complexity
Fall 2009: Mathematics 131: Calculus I (Sections 1 and 2)
Computer Science 397 / 499: Software Development Team
Spring 2009: Computer Science 153: Computer Science Fundamentals
Computer Science 161: Imperative Problem Solving and Data Structures
Computer Science 341: Automata, Formal Languages, and Computational Complexity
Fall 2008: Computer Science Tutorial: Computers: Facts, Misconceptions, and Ethical Issues
Computer Science 325: Databases and Web Application Design
Spring 2008: Computer Science 341: Automata, Formal Languages, and Computational Complexity
Fall 2007: Computer Science 153: Computer Science Fundamentals
Computer Science 261: Artificial Intelligence
Spring 2007: Computer Science 153: Computer Science Fundamentals
Fall 2006: Computer Science Tutorial: Computing: Limitations and Promising Developments
Computer Science 223: Software Design
Spring 2006: Computer Science 105: An Algorithmic and Social Overview of Computer Science
Computer Science 153: Computer Science Fundamentals
Fall 2005: Computer Science 151: Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Computer Science 223: Software Design
Computer Science 397: Group Guided Reading Women and Computing
Spring 2005: Computer Science 105: An Algorithmic and Social Overview of Computer Science
Computer Science 153: Computer Science Fundamentals
Computer Science 201: Data Representation, Storage Management, and C Programming
Computer Science 397: Group Independent Project: Topics in Computer Networking
Fall 2004: Introduction to CS for Grinnell Science Project students
Computer Science Tutorial: Computing: Limitations and Promising Developments
Computer Science 213: Operating Systems and Parallel Algorithms
Spring 2004: Computer Science 105: An Algorithmic and Social Overview of Computer Science
Computer Science 151: Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Computer Science 302: Programming Language Concepts
Computer Science 397: Group Independent Project: Topics in Computer Networking
Fall 2002-
Fall 2003:
On leave (sabbatical leave, personal leave, senior study leave)
Spring 2002: Computer Science 153: Computer Science Fundamentals
Computer Science 223: Software Design
Fall 2001: Computer Science Tutorial: Computing: Limitations and Promising Developments
Computer Science 195: Data Representation, Storage Management, and C Programming
Computer Science 211: Computer Organization and Architecture
Spring 2001: Computer Science 152: Fundamentals of Computer Science II
Computer Science 153: Computer Science Fundamentals
Computer Science 302: Programming Language Concepts
Fall 2000: Computer Science 151: Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Computer Science 213: Operating Systems and Parallel Algorithms
Spring 2000: Computer Science 153: Computer Science Fundamentals
Computer Science 302: Programming Language Concepts
Fall 1999: Computer Science 151: Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Computer Science 211: Computer Organization and Architecture
Spring 1999: Computer Science 151: Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Mathematics/Computer Science 341: Automata, Formal Languages, and Computational Complexity
Fall 1998: Computer Science 151: Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Computer Science 213: Operating Systems and Parallel Algorithms
Computer Science 301: Algorithms
Spring 1998 Mathematics 131: Calculus I
Computer Science 153: Computer Science Fundamentals
Computer Science 261: Artificial Intelligence
Fall 1997 Computer Science Tutorial: Computing: Limitations and Promising Developments
Computer Science 211: Computer Architecture and Organization
Spring 1997 Computer Science 151: Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Computer Science 295: Parallel Algorithms

On-line Documents

Documents indexed in the ACM Digital Library



Computer science: algorithms (parallel and sequential), Web-based applications (interfaces, scripting, privacy, and databases), computer science education.


Music, guitar playing, racquetball, canoeing, camping

Current and Recent Activities

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Current Grinnell College Projects

Chair of SIGCSE, ACM's Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education, 2001-2007
Visiting Professor, School of Computing and Information Technology, UNITEC Institute of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, April-May, 2003
Member, MAA Committee on the Profession, 2003-2009
Member, CRA Study Group on Faculty Recruitment and Retention, 2001-2002
Member, Iowa Advanced Placement Advisory Committee, 1996-2005
On Leadership Team for SIGCSE's Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Project, sponsored by NSF.
Regular Columnist on "Classroom Issues" for the SIGCSE Bulletin.
Occassional Visiting Senior Lecturer in the Computer Sciences Department at The University of Texas at Austin
Member of the Liberal Arts Computer Science Consortium
Founder and member of the Iowa Undergraduate Computer Science Consortium
Author and Program Director for grant from Roy E. Carver Foundation grant to develop and lead a workshop for high-school computer-science teachers in Summer, 1997
Reviewer for HarperCollins, Harper and Row, Jones and Bartlett, McGraw-Hill, West Publishers
College Board Consultant in mathematics and computer science

Positions held


M.S. in computer science, University of Iowa, 1979.
Ph.D. in mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1973.
A.B. magna cum laude with highest honors in mathematics, Williams College, 1969.

Full list of publications

created 4 April 1995
last revised 11 August 2018
photograph by Grinnell College Office of Public Relations
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For more information, please contact me at (walker@cs.grinnell.edu)